As a child matures, one of the most important developmental skills is learning how to relate to other children in a positive way. Kinder Kare provides the opportunity for children to interact with other children in mixed age groups. They learn how to share and begin forming friendships through supervised play and learning activities.
Preschoolers at Kinder Kare are provided with activities that they can accomplish with success. They are challenged without feeling overwhelmed. This helps to build self-confidence and necessary life skills. Our preschool program provides key experiences that foster developmentally important skills and abilities. Children are encouraged to learn self help skills such as washing their face and tying their shoes. We provide learning activities that foster socialization skills, self-esteem and language literacy development.
Our preschool program helps children develop the skills needed to make a successful transition to school. Based on individual interests, Kinder Kare preschoolers learn ABCs and 123s, play outside, go on field trips, read books, create a work of art and form friendships. One thing is certain...Kinder Kare makes learning fun!
Michigan Child Care Centers, Inc. offers the Great Start Readiness Program at five locations. The Great Start Readiness Program is Michigan's state funded preschool program, for four-year-old children that meet eligibility criteria.
Research on preschool programs indicates that children provided with a high quality preschool experience show significant positive developmental growth during the formative time prior to entering kindergarten.
Register for the Great Start Readiness Program at or