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Continuity of Learning Plan


Date Submitted:  May 5, 2020


Name of Agency:  Michigan Child Care Centers, Inc.


Site Names:  Michigan Child Care Centers, Inc. and Michigan Child Care Centers, Inc. – James Savage


Address of Agency:  PO Box 671 Freeland, MI  48623


Agency Contact:  Debbie Weadock


Email Address of Agency Contact:


Name of Intermediate School District:  Midland County ESA


  1. Describe the methods the agency will use to provide alternative modes of instruction other than in-person instruction.  Teachers and administrators have developed and will continue to evaluate a clear, consistent, concise and accessible communication plan that prioritizes connections with children and families.  Michigan Child Care Centers, Inc. is using a variety of methods to stay connected with students and their families.   These methods for communication and instruction include a combination of: phone contacts, email, virtual learning and printed materials.  Based on individual needs, teaching teams have created plans that support the child and family.  We find it imperative that our connections support necessary and meaningful academic work in a manner that is respectful of student, family and staff contexts (mindset, feelings, responsibilities, needs). 

  2. Describe the methods the agency will use to keep students at the center of educational activities, including outreach to continue building relationships and maintain connections, and help students feel safe and valued.  Our priority is to support the whole child…their physical and mental health, nutritional needs, and safety needs.  This priority includes the child and family.  Understanding that the trauma families are experiencing during this pandemic is long term and widespread, teachers continue to communicate with families and share community resources to ensure basic needs are met.  Teaching teams have distributed a family survey to gather information that identifies needs, how families are feeling and best means of communication. Meeting the needs of the communities and families we serve, our goal continues to be ensuring children have access to the resources needed as well as educational opportunities. Michigan Child Care Centers, Inc. recognizes the role of parents/guardians as a child’s first and most important teacher.  Understanding that we cannot recreate a classroom environment, we want to provide learning opportunities without creating undue pressure for families.  Plans are developed to prompt student inquiry, observation and reflection around everyday activities (e.g., making meals, collaborating on chores, problem solving, fixing things together).

  3. Describe the agency’s plans to deliver content in multiple ways so that all students can access learning.  Using varied and accessible communication, teaching teams have developed plans that ensure: all students have access to information through multiple forms (phone contacts, email, video, mail, printed materials/supplies delivered to homes); regular communication (daily); plans that maintain classroom customs and norms as much as possible; individual teacher check-ins; recommendations on how to support the whole child; and needed materials are provided for families. Technology: Face Book, Zoom, Google classroom, YouTube storytelling, Remind Text,  home packets: materials to support activities may include: paper, pencil, crayons, scissors, books, glue sticks, craft materials, games, etc. Teaching teams are utilizing office hours established by the Early Childhood Specialist as support and resources are provided. Resources: Creative Curriculum, High Scope, Teaching Strategies Gold, Math in Mail, Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL), Conscious Discipline, Literacy Essentials.                                   

  4. Describe the agency’s plan to manage and monitor learning by students.  Teachers are documenting learning opportunities and have established plans to seek feedback from individual families.  Utilizing curriculum and assessment materials, teachers are documenting plans and parent feedback (photos, messages, written documentation).  Virtual classroom activities provide opportunities for teacher observation and anecdotal notes will be entered into COR, as applicable.

  5. Describe how the agency with document the plan components.  A Family Support Contact form was created.  Teaching teams are documenting all communication and plans. 

  6. Describe how the agency will support children transitioning to kindergarten.  Our February Parent Advisory Meetings focused on kindergarten transitions, so initial information was already distributed. Teaching teams will continue to share information from local school districts on registration and requirements.  We have multiple resources that provide guidance for families as they prepare their children for kindergarten.  These resources will be shared in various ways with parents/guardians.  Summer packets will provide materials and activities to support learning at home.   Teaching teams will be scheduling end of the year conferences with parents/guardians.  This will be accomplished online or via phone.  Conferences will provide adequate time for meaningful interactions with the teacher, allowing discussion of child strengths, individual goals, family goals and transition to kindergarten.

  7. Describe how the agency will support students with IEPs.  Teachers have been in communication with specialists that support children with IEPs.  We want to ensure families know we are a team working to provide the services and resources their child is entitled to.                                                         

  8. What budget adjustments are required to support this plan?  It is anticipated that costs will include: supplies for home learning packets, copies, postage, and mileage (delivering of home learning packets).

  9. Describe the manner in which district administrators, teachers and parents collaborated in the development of this plan.  Administrators gathered information from teachers and parents as this plan was developed.  Individual needs of classrooms were identified to ensure we are being responsive to our children and families’ needs.  It is understood that components of this plan may need to be revised as guidance and requirements are updated.

  10. Describe the methods the agency will use to notify families of this plan.  Components of this plan have been shared with families.  Once ISD approval is received, all components will be communicated with families via the aforementioned methods.

  11. Provide an estimated date on which the agency will begin implementation of this plan.  Regular communication with regards to family needs and providing of educational opportunities began March 23, 2020.   All components of the plan were implemented by April 13, 2020.

  12. Describe what professional learning opportunities are needed for teachers.  These unprecedented times are requiring teachers to “teach” in ways that are unfamiliar and often seem unnatural.  There have been online professional development opportunities offered through various resources (High Scope, Creative Curriculum, MiRegistry, Conscious Discipline).  Teachers will continue to need support as we navigate this distance learning.

Name of Agency Contact Submitting Plan:  Debbie Weadock, Ed. Coordinator


Date:  May 5, 2020

Call Us: 1-989-695-2151   /  /  P.O. Box 671, Freeland, MI 48623

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